Axwell photo


Net Worth (2024) info Our net worth estimates blend trusted external data with our advanced algorithms to provide accurate financial insights. While our estimates are valuable for understanding financial positions, please note they are hypothetical estimates.
Hypothetical Estimate
40 Million

Axwell Net Worth Breakdown

40 million
DJ Category
# 11
AliasesAxel Christofer HedforsReal Name
Gender Male
Age46 years old
Born18th of December, 1977
Birthplace Lund, Sweden
Career 1995 - present
Nationality Swedish
Ethnicity Caucasian
Height 173 cm (5'8")
Weight 75 kg (165 lbs)
Hair color Brown
Eye color Blue

Axwell Short biography

Axwell, born Axel Christofer Hedfors, is a Swedish DJ, record producer, and remixer best known for his work with the group Swedish House Mafia and his record label, Axtone Records. He has released numerous hit tracks and albums, both as a solo artist and with Swedish House Mafia. Axwell is known for his energetic live performances and his innovative production techniques.

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AliasesAxel Christofer HedforsReal Name
Gender Male
Age46 years old
Born18th of December, 1977
Birthplace Lund, Sweden
Career 1995 - present
Nationality Swedish
Ethnicity Caucasian
Height 173 cm (5'8")
Weight 75 kg (165 lbs)
Hair color Brown
Eye color Blue
Richest DJs
Tiesto photo
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