Piero Lissoni photo

Piero Lissoni

Net Worth (2024) info Our net worth estimates blend trusted external data with our advanced algorithms to provide accurate financial insights. While our estimates are valuable for understanding financial positions, please note they are hypothetical estimates.
Hypothetical Estimate
6 Million

Piero Lissoni Net Worth Breakdown

Real Estate: Real Estate Investments
2.40 million
2.10 million
Other: Design Firm Ownership
1.50 million
Architect Category
# 2
Gender Male
Age68 years old
Born23rd of July, 1956
Birthplace Seregno, Italy
Career 1980 - present
Nationality Italian
Ethnicity Caucasian
Hair color Grey
Eye color Green

Piero Lissoni Short biography

Piero Lissoni is an Italian architect, art director, and designer known for his elegant and functional designs. With over three decades of experience, he has worked on projects worldwide in architecture, landscape, interior, product, and graphic design.

Born in Seregno, Italy, in 1956, Lissoni co-founded Lissoni & Partners, an influential Milan-based design studio, in 1986. He later established Lissoni Graphx for visual communication and Lissoni Architettura for architectural projects. In 2015, he opened Lissoni Inc. in New York to focus on interior design in the Americas.

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Gender Male
Age68 years old
Born23rd of July, 1956
Birthplace Seregno, Italy
Career 1980 - present
Nationality Italian
Ethnicity Caucasian
Hair color Grey
Eye color Green
Richest Architects
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