Maisie Williams photo

Maisie Williams

Net Worth (2024) info Our net worth estimates blend trusted external data with our advanced algorithms to provide accurate financial insights. While our estimates are valuable for understanding financial positions, please note they are hypothetical estimates.
Hypothetical Estimate
6 Million

Maisie Williams Net Worth Breakdown

Film & TV: Acting
6 million
Actor Category
# 186
AliasesMaisieNickname, Margaret Constance WilliamsFull Name
Gender Female
Age27 years old
Born15th of April, 1997
Birthplace Bristol, United Kingdom
Career 2011 - present
Nationality British
Ethnicity Caucasian
Height 155 cm (5'1")
Weight 51 kg (112 lbs)
Hair color Brown
Eye color Green
Tattoos None
Piercings Ears

Maisie Williams Short biography

Margaret Constance "Maisie" Williams (born April 15, 1997) is an English actress. She gained international recognition for her portrayal of Arya Stark in the HBO fantasy drama series Game of Thrones (2011–2019), which she played from the age of 14. This role earned her critical acclaim and numerous accolades, including two Primetime Emmy Award nominations for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series.

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AliasesMaisieNickname, Margaret Constance WilliamsFull Name
Gender Female
Age27 years old
Born15th of April, 1997
Birthplace Bristol, United Kingdom
Career 2011 - present
Nationality British
Ethnicity Caucasian
Height 155 cm (5'1")
Weight 51 kg (112 lbs)
Hair color Brown
Eye color Green
Tattoos None
Piercings Ears
Richest Actors
Jami Gertz photo