Kelly Rowland photo

Kelly Rowland

Net Worth (2024) info Our net worth estimates blend trusted external data with our advanced algorithms to provide accurate financial insights. While our estimates are valuable for understanding financial positions, please note they are hypothetical estimates.
Hypothetical Estimate
16 Million

Kelly Rowland Net Worth Breakdown

6 - 10 million
Film & TV: Acting
1 - 3 million
Film & TV: Television
1 - 3 million
1 - 3 million
1 - 2 million
Singer Category
# 102
AliasesKelendria Trene RowlandFull Name
Gender Female
Age43 years old
Born11th of February, 1981
Birthplace Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Career 1995 - present
Nationality American
Ethnicity African American
Height 173 cm (5'8")
Weight 58 kg (128 lbs)
Hair color Black
Eye color Brown

Kelly Rowland Short biography

Kelendria Trene Rowland is an American singer, songwriter, actress, and television personality. Born in Atlanta, Georgia, Rowland rose to fame in the late 1990s as a member of Destiny's Child, one of the world's best-selling girl groups of all time. Following the group's disbandment in 2006, Rowland embarked on a successful solo career, releasing four studio albums and achieving numerous chart-topping singles.

In addition to her music career, Rowland has also appeared in several films and television shows, including Freddy vs. Jason, The Seat Filler, and Think Like a Man. She has also served as a judge on the British and American versions of The X Factor and hosted the first season of The Fashion Show.

Rowland is known for her powerful vocals, energetic stage presence, and philanthropic work. She is a vocal advocate for women's rights and has worked with several organizations to promote education, health, and empowerment for girls and women around the world.

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AliasesKelendria Trene RowlandFull Name
Gender Female
Age43 years old
Born11th of February, 1981
Birthplace Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Career 1995 - present
Nationality American
Ethnicity African American
Height 173 cm (5'8")
Weight 58 kg (128 lbs)
Hair color Black
Eye color Brown
Richest Singers
Rihanna photo
Paul McCartney photo
Taylor Swift photo