Robert A. Iger photo

Robert A. Iger

Net Worth (2024) info Our net worth estimates blend trusted external data with our advanced algorithms to provide accurate financial insights. While our estimates are valuable for understanding financial positions, please note they are hypothetical estimates.
Hypothetical Estimate
350 Million

Robert A. Iger Net Worth Breakdown

193 million
Stocks: Stock holdings
88 million
Real Estate: Real estate
70 million
Businessperson Category
# 88
AliasesRobert Allen IgerReal Name
Gender Male
Age73 years old
Born10th of February, 1951
Birthplace New York City, New York, United States
Career 1974 - 2020
Nationality American
Ethnicity Caucasian
Height 185 cm (6'1")
Weight 75 kg (165 lbs)
Hair color Grey
Eye color Brown

Robert A. Iger Short biography

Robert A. Iger is an American businessman who served as the chairman and CEO of The Walt Disney Company from 2005 to 2020. Under his leadership, Disney acquired Pixar, Marvel, Lucasfilm, and 21st Century Fox, and launched Disney+.

Iger was born in New York City in 1951. He graduated from Ithaca College in 1973 with a degree in television production. He began his career at ABC in 1974, and rose through the ranks to become president of ABC Entertainment in 1994.

In 1996, Iger was hired by Disney to run its television and film studios. He was named president and COO of Disney in 2000, and CEO in 2005. Under Iger's leadership, Disney became the world's largest media and entertainment company.

Iger retired as CEO of Disney in 2020. He is currently the chairman of the company's board of directors.

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AliasesRobert Allen IgerReal Name
Gender Male
Age73 years old
Born10th of February, 1951
Birthplace New York City, New York, United States
Career 1974 - 2020
Nationality American
Ethnicity Caucasian
Height 185 cm (6'1")
Weight 75 kg (165 lbs)
Hair color Grey
Eye color Brown
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