Bob Swan photo

Bob Swan

Net Worth (2024) info Our net worth estimates blend trusted external data with our advanced algorithms to provide accurate financial insights. While our estimates are valuable for understanding financial positions, please note they are hypothetical estimates.
Hypothetical Estimate
55 Million

Bob Swan Net Worth Breakdown

55 million
Businessperson Category
# 121
AliasesRobert (Bob) Holmes SwanReal Name
Gender Male
Age64 years old
Born9th of May, 1960
Birthplace Syracuse, New York, United States
Career 1985 - 2021
Nationality American
Ethnicity Caucasian
Hair color Brown
Eye color Brown

Bob Swan Short biography

Robert (Bob) Holmes Swan is an American business executive who was the CEO of Intel Corporation from January 2019 until February 15, 2021. He joined Intel as CFO in October 2016 from General Atlantic, after spending years as CFO at eBay, Electronic Data Systems, and TRW Inc.

Swan was born in Syracuse, New York, and graduated from Corcoran High School in 1978. He received a bachelor's degree in business administration from the University at Buffalo School of Management in 1983 and his MBA from Binghamton University in 1985.

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AliasesRobert (Bob) Holmes SwanReal Name
Gender Male
Age64 years old
Born9th of May, 1960
Birthplace Syracuse, New York, United States
Career 1985 - 2021
Nationality American
Ethnicity Caucasian
Hair color Brown
Eye color Brown
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