Darren Entwistle photo

Darren Entwistle

Net Worth (2024) info Our net worth estimates blend trusted external data with our advanced algorithms to provide accurate financial insights. While our estimates are valuable for understanding financial positions, please note they are hypothetical estimates.
Hypothetical Estimate
40 Million

Darren Entwistle Net Worth Breakdown

15 million
Real Estate
10 million
8 million
7 million
Businessperson Category
# 125
Gender Male
Birthplace Montreal, Canada
Career 1997 - present
Nationality Canadian
Ethnicity Caucasian
Hair color Brown
Eye color Green

Darren Entwistle Short biography

Darren Entwistle is a Canadian businessman who is the current president and chief executive officer of TELUS, a Canadian telecommunications company. He is known for his leadership in transforming TELUS from a regional telephone company serving Western Canada into a national data and wireless business.

Entwistle was born in Montreal, Quebec, and received a Bachelor of Economics (Honours) from Concordia University, an MBA (Finance) from the McGill University Desautels Faculty of Management, and a diploma in Network Engineering from the University of Toronto. He joined TELUS in 2000 after serving as an executive at Cable & Wireless in the United Kingdom.

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Gender Male
Birthplace Montreal, Canada
Career 1997 - present
Nationality Canadian
Ethnicity Caucasian
Hair color Brown
Eye color Green
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