Pedro Armendáriz photo

Pedro Armendáriz

Net Worth (2024) info Our net worth estimates blend trusted external data with our advanced algorithms to provide accurate financial insights. While our estimates are valuable for understanding financial positions, please note they are hypothetical estimates.
Hypothetical Estimate
2 Million

Pedro Armendáriz Net Worth Breakdown

Film & TV: Acting
2 million
Actor Category
# 196
AliasesPedro Gregorio Armendáriz HastingsFull Name
Gender Male
Died 18th of June, 1963 (at age 51)
Born: Thursday 9th of May, 1912
Birthplace Mexico City, Mexico
Career 1935 - 1963
Nationality Mexican-American
Ethnicity Hispanic
Height 183 cm (6'0")
Weight 80 kg (176 lbs)
Hair color Black
Eye color Brown

Pedro Armendáriz Short biography

Pedro Armendáriz (1912-1963) was a Mexican-American actor who starred in over 100 films during his career. He is best known for his roles in The Fugitive (1947), Fort Apache (1948), and From Russia with Love (1963). Armendáriz was a versatile actor who played a wide range of roles, from bandits and revolutionaries to priests and soldiers. He was also a talented singer and musician, and he often performed his songs in his films.

Armendáriz was born in Mexico City, Mexico, to a Mexican father and an American mother. He began his career as a journalist before transitioning to acting. He made his film debut in 1941, and he quickly became one of the most popular actors in Mexico. In the 1940s and 1950s, he starred in several classic Mexican films, including María Candelaria (1943), Enamorada (1946), and La Malquerida (1949). He also starred in several Hollywood films, including The Fugitive (1947), Fort Apache (1948), and 3 Godfathers (1948).

In 1956, Armendáriz was diagnosed with neck cancer. He continued to work, but his health declined rapidly. He died in 1963, at the age of 51. Armendáriz is considered one of the greatest actors in Mexican cinema history.

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AliasesPedro Gregorio Armendáriz HastingsFull Name
Gender Male
Died 18th of June, 1963 (at age 51)
Born: Thursday 9th of May, 1912
Birthplace Mexico City, Mexico
Career 1935 - 1963
Nationality Mexican-American
Ethnicity Hispanic
Height 183 cm (6'0")
Weight 80 kg (176 lbs)
Hair color Black
Eye color Brown
Richest Actors
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