Ben Stokes photo

Ben Stokes

Net Worth (2024) info Our net worth estimates blend trusted external data with our advanced algorithms to provide accurate financial insights. While our estimates are valuable for understanding financial positions, please note they are hypothetical estimates.
Hypothetical Estimate
30 Million

Ben Stokes Net Worth Breakdown

Sports: Cricket League
10 million
Business: Business ventures
10 million
8 million
Investments: Cars
2 million
Cricket Player Category
# 2
AliasesBenjamin Andrew StokesFull Name
Gender Male
Age33 years old
Born4th of June, 1991
Birthplace Christchurch, New Zealand
Career 2005 - present
Nationality English
Ethnicity Māori
Height 185.4 cm (6'1")
Weight 86 kg (190 lbs)
Hair color Brown
Eye color Blue
Tattoos Yes

Ben Stokes Short biography

Ben Stokes, born June 4, 1991, in Christchurch, New Zealand, is an English all-rounder cricketer and businessperson renowned for his explosive batting, exceptional skills as a left-arm medium-fast bowler, and dynamic fielding.

Ben Stokes' life transcends the boundaries of the cricket field, weaving a tapestry of family, resilience, and personal growth. Born in New Zealand to a rugby league father and a mother with Māori heritage, Stokes' early years were steeped in athleticism and a love for sport. At 12, his family's relocation to England marked a pivotal point, exposing him to the vibrant world of English cricket. Durham County Cricket Club became his second home, where he honed his skills and ignited a passion that would propel him to international stardom.

But Stokes' journey wasn't without its challenges. In 2008, a family tragedy deeply impacted him, shaping his resilience and determination. This personal struggle, while deeply personal, fueled his on-field fire, pushing him toward excellence.

In 2013, he met Clare Ratcliffe, and their love story blossomed. They married in 2017 and welcomed two children, Layton and Libby, becoming a devoted family unit that provides Stokes with unwavering support and grounding. He cherishes his role as a father, finding joy in the simple pleasures of family life, a stark contrast to the adrenaline rush of the cricket arena.

Beyond family, Stokes is known for his approachable nature and genuine charisma. He actively engages with fans, often displaying a playful and humorous side. His passion for music extends beyond the field, with Stokes known to be a talented guitarist and drummer. This diverse range of interests and his ability to connect with people from all walks of life paint a picture of a multifaceted individual who thrives not just on the pitch, but also in the tapestry of everyday life.

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AliasesBenjamin Andrew StokesFull Name
Gender Male
Age33 years old
Born4th of June, 1991
Birthplace Christchurch, New Zealand
Career 2005 - present
Nationality English
Ethnicity Māori
Height 185.4 cm (6'1")
Weight 86 kg (190 lbs)
Hair color Brown
Eye color Blue
Tattoos Yes
Richest Cricket Players
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Ben Stokes photo