Mo Farah photo

Mo Farah

Net Worth (2024) info Our net worth estimates blend trusted external data with our advanced algorithms to provide accurate financial insights. While our estimates are valuable for understanding financial positions, please note they are hypothetical estimates.
Hypothetical Estimate
5 Million

Mo Farah Net Worth Breakdown

Sports: Career Winnings
2 million
2 million
Business: Business Ventures
1 million
Runner Category
# 3
AliasesSir Mohamed Muktar Jama FarahFull Name
Gender Male
Age41 years old
Born23rd of March, 1983
Birthplace Mogadishu, Somalia
Career 1994 - 2021
Nationality British
Ethnicity African
Height 172 cm (5'8")
Weight 57 kg (126 lbs)
Eye color Brown

Mo Farah Short biography

Mo Farah is a British long-distance runner who has won four Olympic gold medals and six World Championship gold medals. He is the most successful male track distance runner in history. Farah was born in Somalia, but moved to the United Kingdom as a child. He began his running career in 2001 and quickly rose to prominence. He won his first major title, the European Athletics Junior Championships 5000 meters, in 2001. Farah went on to win numerous other titles, including the 2012 and 2016 Olympic 5000 meters and 10,000 meters, and the 2013 and 2015 World Championship 5000 meters and 10,000 meters. Farah is known for his strong finishing kick and his ability to win close races. He is also a world record holder in the one hour run.

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AliasesSir Mohamed Muktar Jama FarahFull Name
Gender Male
Age41 years old
Born23rd of March, 1983
Birthplace Mogadishu, Somalia
Career 1994 - 2021
Nationality British
Ethnicity African
Height 172 cm (5'8")
Weight 57 kg (126 lbs)
Eye color Brown
Richest Runners
Mo Farah photo