Viktor Vekselberg photo

Viktor Vekselberg

Net Worth (2024) info Our net worth estimates blend trusted external data with our advanced algorithms to provide accurate financial insights. While our estimates are valuable for understanding financial positions, please note they are hypothetical estimates.
Hypothetical Estimate
8,500 Million

Viktor Vekselberg Net Worth Breakdown

Business: Renova Group
8,000 million
Business: United Co. Rusal
400 million
Art: Art collection
100 million
0 million
Oligarch Category
# 4
Gender Male
Age67 years old
Born14th of April, 1957
Birthplace Drohobych, Ukraine
Career 1988 - present
Nationality Ukrainian
Ethnicity Caucasian
Height 176 cm (5'9")
Hair color Grey
Eye color Blue

Viktor Vekselberg Short biography

Viktor Vekselberg is a Ukrainian-born Russian-Israeli-Cypriot oligarch, billionaire, and businessman. He is the owner and president of Renova Group, a Russian conglomerate with interests in metals, energy, engineering, and other industries. According to Forbes, as of November 2021, his fortune is estimated at US$8.5 billion as of March 2024, making him the 262nd richest person in the world.

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Gender Male
Age67 years old
Born14th of April, 1957
Birthplace Drohobych, Ukraine
Career 1988 - present
Nationality Ukrainian
Ethnicity Caucasian
Height 176 cm (5'9")
Hair color Grey
Eye color Blue
Richest Oligarchs
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