Travis Scott photo

Travis Scott

Net Worth (2024) info Our net worth estimates blend trusted external data with our advanced algorithms to provide accurate financial insights. While our estimates are valuable for understanding financial positions, please note they are hypothetical estimates.
Hypothetical Estimate
98 Million

Travis Scott Net Worth Breakdown

60 - 70 million
10 - 20 million
Real Estate
10 - 20 million
1 - 5 million
Rapper Category
# 12
AliasesJacques Bermon Webster IIReal Name
Gender Male
Age32 years old
Born30th of April, 1992
Birthplace Houston, Texas, United States
Career 2008 - present
Nationality American
Ethnicity African American
Height 178 cm (5'10")
Weight 73 kg (161 lbs)
Hair color Black
Eye color Brown

Travis Scott Short biography

Travis Scott is an American rapper, singer, songwriter, record producer, and entrepreneur. He is known for his distinctive blend of hip hop, trap, and psychedelic music. Scott first gained major attention with his mixtape "Owl Pharaoh" in 2013 and his follow-up "Days Before Rodeo" in 2014. His debut studio album, "Rodeo," released in 2015, solidified his reputation as an innovative artist, featuring hits like "Antidote." Scott's subsequent albums, "Birds in the Trap Sing McKnight" (2016) and the critically acclaimed "Astroworld" (2018), have further elevated his status. Beyond music, Scott has made his mark in fashion with collaborations with major brands like Nike and a short-lived partnership with McDonald's, which included a special meal and merchandise.

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AliasesJacques Bermon Webster IIReal Name
Gender Male
Age32 years old
Born30th of April, 1992
Birthplace Houston, Texas, United States
Career 2008 - present
Nationality American
Ethnicity African American
Height 178 cm (5'10")
Weight 73 kg (161 lbs)
Hair color Black
Eye color Brown
Richest Rappers
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