Helena Christensen photo

Helena Christensen

Net Worth (2024) info Our net worth estimates blend trusted external data with our advanced algorithms to provide accurate financial insights. While our estimates are valuable for understanding financial positions, please note they are hypothetical estimates.
Hypothetical Estimate
33 Million

Helena Christensen Net Worth Breakdown

15 - 20 million
Business: Photography
5 - 10 million
3 - 5 million
Business: Fashion Design
2 - 5 million
Supermodel Category
# 16
Gender Female
Age55 years old
Born25th of December, 1968
Birthplace Copenhagen, Denmark
Career 1989 - present
Nationality Danish
Ethnicity Caucasian
Height 178 cm (5'10")
Weight 62 kg (137 lbs)
Hair color Brown
Eye color Green

Helena Christensen Short biography

Helena Christensen is a Danish supermodel, photographer, fashion designer, and actress. She rose to fame in the 1990s as one of the original Victoria's Secret Angels and has since appeared on the covers of numerous magazines and in campaigns for major fashion brands. Christensen has also co-founded Nylon magazine and launched her own clothing line. As an accomplished photographer, her work has been featured in various publications and exhibitions.

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Gender Female
Age55 years old
Born25th of December, 1968
Birthplace Copenhagen, Denmark
Career 1989 - present
Nationality Danish
Ethnicity Caucasian
Height 178 cm (5'10")
Weight 62 kg (137 lbs)
Hair color Brown
Eye color Green
Richest Supermodels
Karen Elson photo