LeBron James photo

LeBron James

Net Worth (2024) info Our net worth estimates blend trusted external data with our advanced algorithms to provide accurate financial insights. While our estimates are valuable for understanding financial positions, please note they are hypothetical estimates.
Hypothetical Estimate
1,100 Million

LeBron James Net Worth Breakdown

Business: Business Ventures
530 million
Sports: Basketball
480 million
90 million
Basketball Player Category
# 2
AliasesLeBron Raymone James Sr.Full Name
Gender Male
Age39 years old
Born30th of December, 1984
Birthplace Akron, Ohio, United States
Career 2003 - present
Nationality American
Ethnicity African American
Height 203 cm (6'8")
Weight 113 kg (249 lbs)
Hair color Black
Eye color Brown
Tattoos yes

LeBron James Short biography

LeBron Raymone James was born on December 30, 1984, in Akron, Ohio, to Gloria James. He was raised by his mother, who worked multiple jobs to support the family. James began playing basketball at a young age and quickly emerged as a star player. He attended St. Vincent-St. Mary High School in Akron, where he led his team to three state championships.

James was selected by his hometown team, the Cleveland Cavaliers, with the first overall pick in the 2003 NBA draft. He immediately made an impact on the league, winning the Rookie of the Year Award in 2004. James led the Cavaliers to the NBA Finals in 2007, but they lost to the San Antonio Spurs in four games.

James is married to Savannah Brinson, whom he met in high school. They have three children together: LeBron Jr., Bryce Maximus, and Zhuri Nova. James is a devoted family man and is often seen attending his children's sporting events.

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AliasesLeBron Raymone James Sr.Full Name
Gender Male
Age39 years old
Born30th of December, 1984
Birthplace Akron, Ohio, United States
Career 2003 - present
Nationality American
Ethnicity African American
Height 203 cm (6'8")
Weight 113 kg (249 lbs)
Hair color Black
Eye color Brown
Tattoos yes
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