Olivia Culpo photo

Olivia Culpo

Net Worth (2024) info Our net worth estimates blend trusted external data with our advanced algorithms to provide accurate financial insights. While our estimates are valuable for understanding financial positions, please note they are hypothetical estimates.
Hypothetical Estimate
9 Million

Olivia Culpo Net Worth Breakdown

2 - 4 million
2 - 3 million
Film & TV: Acting
1 - 2 million
1 - 2 million
Model Category
# 58
AliasesOlivia Frances CulpoFull Name
Gender Female
Age32 years old
Born8th of May, 1992
Birthplace Cranston, Rhode Island, United States
Career 2012 - present
Nationality American
Ethnicity Caucasian
Height 170 cm (5'7")
Weight 52 kg (115 lbs)
Hair color Brown
Eye color Brown
Tattoos None
Piercings None

Olivia Culpo Short biography

Olivia Culpo is an American model, actress, social media personality, influencer, and beauty queen. She was crowned Miss Rhode Island USA in 2012, Miss USA in the same year, and Miss Universe later that year, becoming the eighth American woman to win the Miss Universe title and the first since Brook Lee in 1997. Culpo has since become a successful social media personality, influencer, and actress.

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AliasesOlivia Frances CulpoFull Name
Gender Female
Age32 years old
Born8th of May, 1992
Birthplace Cranston, Rhode Island, United States
Career 2012 - present
Nationality American
Ethnicity Caucasian
Height 170 cm (5'7")
Weight 52 kg (115 lbs)
Hair color Brown
Eye color Brown
Tattoos None
Piercings None
Richest Models
Alton Mason photo
Iman photo